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在资源受限项目调度问题中,将可再生资源进一步拓展为具有能力差异的柔性资源,建立考虑能力差异的柔性资源受限的多模式项目调度问题模型,该模型是对传统资源约束项目调度问题(RCPSP)更接近实际的拓展。提出了基于粒子群算法的求解算法,粒子群算法求解该模型的思路为,利用蒙特卡洛方法根据资源-能力矩阵与活动模式-能力矩阵得到活动模式-资源矩阵,将考虑能力差异的柔性资源受限的多模式项目调度问题转换为常规的多模式项目调度问题,然后利用基于任务序列与模式表示的粒子群算法对该多模式项目调度问题进行求解。用数值实例说明了模型的合理性与算法的有效性。  相似文献   
We consider scheduling problems involving two agents (agents A and B), each having a set of jobs that compete for the use of a common machine to process their respective jobs. The due dates of the A‐jobs are decision variables, which are determined by using the common (CON) or slack (SLK) due date assignment methods. Each agent wants to minimize a certain performance criterion depending on the completion times of its jobs only. Under each due date assignment method, the criterion of agent A is always the same, namely an integrated criterion consisting of the due date assignment cost and the weighted number of tardy jobs. Several different criteria are considered for agent B, including the maxima of regular functions (associated with each job), the total (weighted) completion time, and the weighted number of tardy jobs. The overall objective is to minimize the performance criterion of agent A, while keeping the objective value of agent B no greater than a given limit. We analyze the computational complexity, and devise polynomial or pseudo‐polynomial dynamic programming algorithms for the considered problems. We also convert, if viable, any of the devised pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithms into a fully polynomial‐time approximation scheme. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 416–429, 2016  相似文献   
We consider the scheduling of large‐scale projects to maximize the project net present value given temporal and resource constraints. The net present value objective emphasizes the financial aspects of project management. Temporal constraints between the start times of activities make it possible to handle practical problem assumptions. Scarce resources are an expression of rising cost. Since optimization techniques are not expedient to solve such problems and most heuristic methods known from literature cannot deal with general temporal constraints, we propose a new bidirectional priority‐rule based method. Scheduling activities with positive cash flows as early and activities with negative cash flows as late as possible results in a method which is completed by unscheduling techniques to cope with scarce resources. In a computational experiment, we compare the well‐known serial generation scheme where all activities are scheduled as early as possible with the proposed bidirectional approach. On the basis of a comprehensive data set known from literature containing instances with up to 1002 activities, the efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
由于传统Dijkstra算法只能求解最优路径,结合兵力机动路线选择的需要,将求解k短路径的实用算法引入到兵力机动路线优化问题中,给出了算法的数据结构和步骤。在道路权重的确定上,提出将路程、通行能力和安全性三项指标相结合的思想,并给出了综合权重的计算方法。仿真实验表明所提方法具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   
SpaceWire网络混合路由机制设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对星上系统总线多元性导致的星载网络接口和协议不能标准化的发展瓶颈,基于SpaceWire总线协议,通过将静态路由(时间触发)与动态路由(事件触发)机制结合,实现了控制数据和载荷数据共用网络。静态路由完全遵循SpaceWire-D协议,在保证确定性传输的同时,通过启发式调度算法首次实现了多时间窗并行调度,并提出利用最大公约数法设计时间窗,以提高网络吞吐量;动态路由通过对随机事件和载荷数据分配优先级,实现传输路径冲突时对紧急任务的优先处理。在OPENT中搭建网络系统仿真模型,对所提出的路由机制进行了仿真。实验结果表明,静态路由时段网络吞吐量较现有调度算法有明显提高,动态路由实现了紧急事件优先传输。  相似文献   
常规的向量场方法在处理无人机曲线路径跟踪问题时很容易受非定常风扰的影响而使得跟踪误差增加,因此很多方法采用用无人机的惯性坐标系(地速和方位角)替代机体坐标系(空速和偏航角)的方式来提高抗风性能。但是,这种方式只能处理大小和方向均恒定的风扰,这在实际飞行中是过于理想的假设。为了克服这些不足,提出了一种采用侧偏距的积分来主动抵消非定常风扰的积分向量场方法用于固定翼无人机曲线路径跟踪控制。根据期望路径的曲率及路径角,结合无人机自身的状态信息设计了曲线路径跟踪策略,并且使用李雅普诺夫理论证明了提出的方法能够确保闭环系统的全局渐进稳定。最后,使用高性能半实物仿真系统验证了提出方法的抗风跟踪性能。  相似文献   
提出一种基于分治策略的多星观测分层调度框架,在该框架下,用蚁群优化算法把任务分配至各轨道圈次上,并利用自适应模拟退火算法求解各轨道圈次的调度问题。根据各轨道圈次调度结果的反馈情况,再调整任务分配方案,重复上述过程直到达到算法终止条件。为了提高算法的性能,在设计蚁群算法的启发式信息模型时,应充分考虑卫星调度问题的领域知识;在模拟退火算法中设计两个邻域结构,采用动态选择策略在优化过程中确定最佳邻域搜索结构。仿真实验表明,该方法有效地降低了问题求解的复杂度,尤其在求解大规模多星观测调度问题时表现出优异的性能。  相似文献   
零燃料大角度姿态机动技术是新近应用在国际空间站的新概念姿态控制技术。构造了以控制力矩陀螺为执行机构的空间站姿态控制动力学模型,在此基础上,建立了空间站本体与控制力矩陀螺之间的角动量守恒关系。针对各类大角度姿态机动任务,通过分析空间站惯量参数与控制力矩陀螺性能参数之间的解析关系,得到了零燃料大角度姿态机动路径的存在性条件。通过规划算例验证了存在性分析的正确性。所提出的零燃料大角度姿态机动存在性条件,为姿态机动路径的存在性判断提供了便捷可行的方法,为零燃料大角度姿态机动技术未来在我国空间站实施的可行性论证提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
针对当前具有吞吐量和时延约束的软件无线电波形部署决策算法在内存开销方面考虑的不足,提出一个更为通用的波形部署决策系统模型,将波形的处理开销、内存开销和通信带宽开销都纳入到波形部署决策过程中,并设计了一种基于动态规划的波形部署决策算法以最小化波形对平台各种计算资源的占用总和。仿真结果表明,内存对波形部署决策具有重要影响,与未考虑内存开销的解决方案相比,平台支持的平均最大波形数目和平均处理资源利用率均下降40%左右。  相似文献   
This article provides an efficient heuristic based on decomposition for the twin robots scheduling problem (TRSP). TRSP concerns two moving robots executing storage and retrieval requests in parallel along a shared pathway. The depots are located at both ends of the line and a dedicated robot is assigned to each of them. While moving goods between their respective depots and some storage locations on the line, noncrossing constraints among robots need to be considered. Our heuristic uses a dynamic programming framework to determine the schedule of one robot while keeping the other one's fixed. It finds near‐optimal solutions even for large problem instances with hundreds of jobs in a short time span. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 62:16–22, 2015  相似文献   
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